Главная О больнице Медицинский туризм/Medical tourism Medical tourism
Institution was put into operation July 1, 1937
The main task of the hospital: provision of specialized medical care for patients with infectious diseases, including HIV, and especially dangerous infections.
Here we provide emergency and routine medical care, not only to Muscovites, but also to the residents of other regions of Russia, as well as citizens of the CIS and other foreign countries.
Today it is a modern medical-diagnostic facility whith hospital bed capacity - 790 beds, including 60 children and 27 resuscitation
Hospital is housed in 17 buildings on a plot of 18.2 hectares. The hospital buildings have comfortably furnished chambers and boxes to accommodate patients. The hospital employs clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratory, enzyme immunoassay express-laboratory equipped with modern equipment.
Radiology department is equipped with high-tech equipment: digital X-ray, digital X-ray systems and X-ray computed tomography.
The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics and the Department of Endoscopy are equipped with expert-class modern diagnostic equipment. It allows diagnosing diseases as planned or urgently (24 hours a day).
Surgical department 50 is equipped with four beds operating units 8 and resuscitation beds for surgical patients.
Highly qualified medical staff performs diagnostic and treatment and rehabilitation activities in a professional manner. Among the physicians are: 14 Doctors of Medical Sciences, 59 PhD, 2 - honored doctors of the Russian Federation, 163 - doctors of the highest qualification category and 37 - have first attestation category.
Clinical departments of Health-care Educational Institutions of Moscow were open on the basis of the hospital’s departments. The hospital is a clinical base of:
- The Department of Infectious Diseases with a course of epidemiology of MSUMD headed by Academician of RAMS and Professor Yushchuk N.D.,
- The Department of Infectious Diseases of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University headed by Professor Volochkova E.V.,
- The Department of Infectious Diseases with a course of epidemiology of The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia headed by Professor Kozhevnikova G.M.,
- The Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases of Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education (RMAPE) headed by Professor and Doctor of Medical Sciences Mazankova L.N.,
- Central Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology headed by Pokrovsky V.I.
Together with the department conducts research in the following areas: purulent meningitis, hepatitis, airborne infection in adults, malaria, erysipelas, HIV infection, acute intestinal infections, laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases, surgical diseases in HIV-infected patients, and so on.
- Travel abroad (before going abroad) - Advice arriving from abroad - Viral infections: intestinal, respiratory, hepatitis and other - Bacterial infections: enteritis, erysipelas, and other meningococcal - Fever of unknown etiology. To identify the causes are often not general clinical research methods, such as complete blood count, urinalysis, radiographs of the chest cavity. In addition, blood tests are carried out on a wide range of pathogens, urine, sputum, washings bronchial tubes, cervix and other content.
- Consultation with an infectious disease doctor - diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of infectious nature (bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic etiology).
- Day hospital on the profile of "infectious disease" - a comprehensive treatment of patients with infectious diseases, the treatment of residual symptoms and effects, after an illness and rehabilitation of patients. The day hospital you have the opportunity at any time convenient to pass a comprehensive diagnostic examination using modern equipment and the use of innovative techniques applied in our hospital. Day hospital doctor will select a treatment plan. - Inpatient care in the profile "infectious disease" - the provision of specialized medical care for patients with infectious diseases, including:
Medical advice for a fee may apply to any citizen of the Russian Federation as well as foreign nationals.
Registration by phone +7 916 880 0015
You may enroll in the electronic form at: platnyereg@ikb2.ru application shall contain the following information:
1. Make sure that your insurance company is cooperating with the CBI GBUZ №2 DMD.
2. Contact your insurance company by telephone "hot line", stated on the policy LCA, for directions / letter of guarantee to the CBI GBUZ №2 DMD and agree on the payment of medical services. E-mail for letters of guarantee dms@ikb2.ru
15, Eighth Sokolinaya Gora St., Moscow 105275
e-mail platnyereg@ikb2.ru
Additional information materials (presentations, information materials)
Advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment:
Bacterial purulent meningitis (BPM) are among the common neuroinfections. They occupy a major place among the patient intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital infections are a leading cause of death from infectious diseases. It is estimated that the annual incidence of BPM in the western world is 2-5 cases per 100 000 people. This index in less developed countries may be 10 times higher. Data on the incidence of BPM in the Russian Federation are approximate, as to be registered only in generalized forms of meningococcal disease in which the BPM developed in 90% of patients. BPM globally occupies one of the first positions in the list of 10 causes of deaths associated with infectious diseases. Indicators of mortality from bacterial purulent meningitis, depending upon the age, clinical forms of the disease and the pathogen in the developed countries are on average 3-19%, in developing - from 37 to 60%. For 1 million registered cases of purulent bacterial meningitis according to the WHO in the world every year, of which 200,000 ends lethally.
Given the above, in the ICU is designed and implemented in daily practice a strict diagnostic protocol and intensive care patients with bacterial purulent meningitis (see. Appendix). The implementation of this protocol has significantly reduced the mortality rate in these patients.
Every year in the intensive care unit patients Infectious Clinical Hospital №2 ( ICH № 2 ) arrive in critical condition, with severe septic shock (meningococcal, pneumococcal, and others. Etiology) a protocol intensive shock therapy in our department introduced the use of low flow techniques hemocorrection and LPS sorbtsii- of receipt (including the absence of renal indications).
The use of low-flow techniques hemocorrection and LPS-sorption in these patients allowed to prevent the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, achieve hemodynamic stabilization in the first hours after admission, the majority of patients to stop manifestations of septic shock by the end of the first day, thus significantly reduce mortality in these patients, and a positive impact on the reduction in the average length of stay in the ICU and to increase bed turnover.
Tropical malaria annually causes about 350-500 million infections and about 1,5-3 million deaths in humans. In general, morbidity and mortality falls on sub-Saharan Africa. Given the increasing migration activity of the population, there is an increased incidence of it in Russia. The protocol is designed for intensive care falciparum malaria, including: translation on a ventilator, preventive use of efferent therapies (PVVGD and plasmapheresis), medical therapy, which reduced mortality in severe falciparum malaria to 0!
Erysipelas - acute, often recurrent infectious disease caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A, manifested by redness of the skin area, usually on the tibia or on the face, and is accompanied by the general intoxication with increasing temperature. As the prevalence in modern structure infectious pathology mug takes the 4th place - after acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections and hepatitis; most often it is registered in the older age groups.
Advisory work is established on the basis of the institution. Consultations are provided to patients who have referrals of Moscow clinics and other hospitals, as well as people who have been treated for erysipelas in our hospital.
Jointly with the leading medical universities in Moscow, we conducted a study of the pathogenesis of erysipelas, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of patients with erysipelas. All recommended techniques passed approbation in the specialized unit ICH № 2 DMD and are backed up by the authors. Patent and methodical recommendations (Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention faces in Moscow Guidelines (№17) Moskva.2008;.. № invention patent 2477157, registered 10 March 2013, at A method of treating patients with erysipelas) and confirmed its high efficiency.
Media data
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oac1gFK4q7A A film about the Infectious Clinical Hospital №2