Инфекционная клиническая больница города Москвы №2 официальный сайт
г. Москва, 8-я ул. Соколиной горы, д. 15
«Инфекционная клиническая больница №2 Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы»
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Главная ENG Chief Physician online reception Address rules to Chief Physician

Address rules to Chief Physician

Dear visitor of our website, in this section you can ask any question you are interested in, leave your appeal or claim.

Terms for consideration of your request – from 5 to 15 weekdays depending on the specifics of the request.

Response to request will be published together with the question. If you are against the publication of your address and response to your request on our website, please specify this in the letter. Administration reserves the right not to post the request on the site.

If you want to fix your claim, please tell us the complete information about yourself (full name, phone). These data will be used for online communication with you to determine the specific circumstances and provide a response.

After registering a claim on our website, if necessary, our specialist will contact you by phone to clarify the circumstances of the case.

Claims, whose authenticity has not been confirmed, will not be considered.

Not considered claims or questions that do not have specificity and targeting.

Please note that requests left in the rough, offensive form are not considered.

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